In Your Dreams | Foreign Sci-Fi III | Filmklubben [English subtitles]

01mar19:00In Your Dreams | Foreign Sci-Fi III | Filmklubben [English subtitles]

Event Details

Filmklubben | Foreign Sci-Fi III | In Your Dreams | URBAN 13 [English subtitles]

x Sted: URBAN 13, GARAGEN (indendørs)


x Døre kl. 19.00, Film kl. 19.30

x Engelske undertekster | English subtitles

x Popcorn, vand og øl i baren

x Mulighed for at spise mad fra Pop's Diner, inden filmen

x Spilletid: 90 minutter

OBS! Ikke indløste billetter frigives i døren kl 19.25 || Unclaimed tickets are released in the door at 19.25


About tonight's film (Danish below)

Dreams have always been a source of fascination and inspiration for artists: Why do we dream the things we dream? What do they mean? And where does the dream end and reality begin? These questions also pervade science fiction, and there are few better examples than tonight’s film, which was directed by Satoshi Kon and premiered in 2006. 

What if one could device a machine that would allows us to enter each other’s dreams? And what if such a device fell into the wrong hands? 

This is the starting point for Kon’s fascinating and beautiful film, which we look forward to screening for you all.


Om aftenens film 

Drømme har altid været en kilde til fascination og inspiration for kunstnere: 

Hvorfor drømmer vi de ting, vi drømmer? Hvad mener de? Og hvor ender drømmen, når virkeligheden begynder? 

Disse spørgsmål gennemsyrer også science fiction, og der er få bedre eksempler end aftenens film, som blev instrueret af Satoshi Kon og havde premiere i 2006. 

Hvad hvis man kunne opbygge en maskine, der ville give os mulighed for at gå ind i hinandens drømme? Og hvad hvis sådan en enhed faldt i de forkerte hænder? 

Dette er udgangspunktet for Kons fascinerende og smukke film, som vi glæder os til at vise for jer alle.


We open the doors at 19.00 and give a short English introduction before the film starts at 19.30.

You can buy both soft drinks, beer and popcorn at the bar.


Come early and eat with your friends!

Pop's Diner, which serves delicious American burgers and fries, has just opened at URBAN 13.

Come early and grab a tasty menu with your friends. You can take the food into the venue, where the bar will be open from 19.00.

See you!


Become a member of the Facebook group "Filmklubben Nizhe Avtostrady" and keep yourself updated.



(Wednesday) 19:00


Kulturhuset Garagen

Under Bispeengbuen Bispeengen 20


URBAN 13 Under Bispeengbuen

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